美国新世纪传媒集团是由美籍华人黄平熙先生于2005年在洛杉矶注册成立的一家传媒集团。并在夏威夷设立有分公司。黄平熙先生早年从教于中囯(成都)电子科技大学,1993年移居美国后,黄平熙先生首先创立了AC International Corp.衡器公司(公司生产数十种数码秤, 其品牌(digiweigh) 早巳成为该行业世界名牌产品. 产品销往全球. 公司网址: http://www.digiweighusa.com/)。
在成功发展实业的基础上,为在中美两国之间进行多方面文化科技交流. 黄平熙先生约请了影视界的名人和专家,在原有影视培训学校基础上,在美国好莱坞建立了为媒体专业人士和有志从事媒体事业的青少年教学基地.
美国好莱坞中囯戲院总裁Mr. Donald Kushner 和奥斯卡金像奖唯一华裔评委卢燕女士以及香港沙龙影视集团董事长, 香港电影节秘书长汪长禹先生为高级顾问。
Dr.Prof.Michael J.C. Leyden为校长兼教务长
Mr. Huang Pingxi, a Chinese American who taught at China University of Electronic Science and Technology, was hired by the UN Population Fund as China's film and television equipment expert in 1981 to lead a Chinese film and television technology delegation to visit HK Salon Film Company(www.salonmedia.com)
The company is The film "Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon" production company. Mr.Huang introduced the first generation of digital video editing equipment for China。
In 1982, Mr.Huang went to study and plan production of film and television programs at "United Nations Asia-Pacific Television Academy" in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and in the more than 10 years that followed, Mr.Huang participated in the planning and production of art films and science films about family planning.
now Mr. huang is an independent producer.